Tap into that abounding and limitless source of joy and bliss that is our true nature and resides within us all.
Feel what it feels like to calibrate into the frequency of who you truly are. Embrace the journey to alignment. Connect deeply to your Life force energy, the essence of life. Consciously expanding and creating your reality.
Take an inner journey through your Chakras using guided relaxation, meditation , breathwork, sound and visualization to center and tune yourself up.
Chakras are the energy centers that align with our endocrine system, our glands that create our hormonal, mental, emotional, and physical balance.
These beautiful practices
• help release stress and anxiety
• help reduce adrenalin & cortisol
• help production of oxytocin & serotonin
• improve brain function, immune system, concentration, and sleep
• help remind you of your true essence
• help you manifest your wildest dreams
There are 7 main energy centres or chakras that run along the spine
Chakra Alignment Journey
In this deeply nourishing 2,5h in person session you will be guided into states of deep bliss through meditation, breathwork practices and sound. You will leave feeling completely relaxed and refreshed with a great sense of calm and over-all well-being. This is a perfect treatment for someone going through anything significant in their life or for anyone wanting to maintain balance, wellbeing and energetic health.
Chakra Alignment in depth 9 week Journey
This nourishing and energising series is an exploration and celebration of the vast universe of human sensory experience and perception.
In this 9 week in person gathering, a journey through the senses, you will learn to understand, activate, and balance your Energy Centers through
• Breathwork
• Shamanic Rituals
• Meditation
• Elemental Wisdom Teachings
• Mindfulness
• Visualisation
• Sound Journeys (with Chakra quartz crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, hand pan, medicine drum, rattle, chimes, and more)
• Essential Oils
• Setting Intentions
• Connecting to the elements
Each week we will be diving deep into one energy Center at the time, through various practices, sound and consciously connecting to different 'Ceremonial Grade' essential oils. To reconnect and empower your relationship with different teacher plants and the divine within. Remembering the living spirit within each and every plant and the interconnectedness of the Divine it carries.
Dates of the next in person Journey soon to be announced
1. Root Chakra
– Sits at the base of your spine or tailbone.
Physical imbalances manifest themselves as problems in the legs, rectum, tailbone, immune system, male reproductive parts and prostate gland.
Emotional imbalances manifest themselves as feelings affecting the basic survival needs; money, shelter, food and the ability to provide life’s necessities.
2. Sacral Chakra
– Two inches below your navel
Physical imbalances manifest themselves as sexual and reproductive issues, urinary problems, kidney infections, hip pelvic and lower back pain.
Emotional imbalances manifest themselves as fear of commitment to relationships, expressing emotions, fears of impotence, betrayal and addictions.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
– three inches above your navel
Physical imbalances manifest themselves as digestive problems, liver dysfunction, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers and colon issues.
Emotional imbalances manifest themselves as issues of personal power and self-esteem.
4. Heart Chakra
– at the heart
Physical imbalances manifest themselves as asthma, heart disease, lung disease, issues with breasts, lymphatic systems and upper back and shoulder problems.
Emotional imbalances manifest themselves as jealousy, abandonment, anger, bitterness and fear of loneliness.
5. Throat Chakra
– at the throat
Physical imbalances manifest themselves as thyroid issues, sore throats, laryngitis, ear infections, neck and shoulder pain.
Emotional imbalances manifest themselves as fear of communication, will-power and being out of control.
6. Third Eye Chakra
– in the middle of the eyebrows
Physical imbalances manifest themselves as headaches, blurred vision, sinus issues, seizures, hearing loss and hormonal imbalance.
Emotional imbalances manifest themselves as moodiness, volatility and self-reflection.
7. Crown Chakra
– top of the head
Physical imbalances manifest themselves as depression, inability to learn, sensitivity to light, sound and the environment.
Emotional imbalances manifest themselves as confusion, prejudice and self-doubt.
These chakras bring in and emit energy which flows in our day to day lives. Each chakra relates to a different part of our life and being. In time of struggle or change the energy can stop flowing freely and cause the Charka(s) to become blocked or imbalanced. These blockages can manifest in many ways. For example, the throat chakra is strongly linked to communication, if you are in a relationship where you are not able to say how you truly feel you may lose your voice physically.